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Salesforce and Your Holiday Mailing List

mailboxI know, it’s barely November, and many of you are just starting to think about your Thanksgiving dinner menus. But I’m going to ask you to think about planning a little further into the future – your holiday mailing.

Mailing out your holiday cards might not happen for another few weeks, however it’s never too early to start thinking about generating your mailing lists from Salesforce. Here are some tips and tricks to get a jump start on your holiday mailing lists in Salesforce:

1. Clean up your duplicates – it’s always a good time to clean up duplicates, but prior to big mailing is a great time! You don’t want to waste money (and look unprofessional) by sending multiple mailings to one person. Salesforce has built in merging tools, or you can use a third party app like DemandTools. To prevent duplicates from being created in the future, use Salesforce’s build in duplicate management tool (check out our blog post on how to set up Salesforce duplicate blocking.)

2. Set your criteria – who’s on your list this year? It’s never too early to start thinking about who will make it onto your list – knowing sooner rather than later will help you order your cards accurately and budget appropriately. Salesforce Campaigns can help you with this – you can run multiple reports and add Contacts to one Campaign (Salesforce will automatically dedupe for you!).

3. Do a test run (if you’re printing in house) – We always recommend running a small batch (5-10 contacts) of labels or envelopes to address any spacing/line break issues. (If you see that pesky <BR> html tag in your address lines use the Printable View button in the report builder rather than Export Details.) This will help you avoid pulling an all-nighter the night before the cards go out.

Need help? That’s why we’re here! Contact us for information on holiday mailing support packages.

About Salesforce and Your Holiday Mailing List

mailboxI know, it’s barely November, and many of you are just starting to think about your Thanksgiving dinner menus. But I’m going to ask you to think about planning a little further into the future – your holiday mailing.

Mailing out your holiday cards might not happen for another few weeks, however it’s never too early to start thinking about generating your mailing lists from Salesforce. Here are some tips and tricks to get a jump start on your holiday mailing lists in Salesforce:

1. Clean up your duplicates – it’s always a good time to clean up duplicates, but prior to big mailing is a great time! You don’t want to waste money (and look unprofessional) by sending multiple mailings to one person. Salesforce has built in merging tools, or you can use a third party app like DemandTools. To prevent duplicates from being created in the future, use Salesforce’s build in duplicate management tool (check out our blog post on how to set up Salesforce duplicate blocking.)

2. Set your criteria – who’s on your list this year? It’s never too early to start thinking about who will make it onto your list – knowing sooner rather than later will help you order your cards accurately and budget appropriately. Salesforce Campaigns can help you with this – you can run multiple reports and add Contacts to one Campaign (Salesforce will automatically dedupe for you!).

3. Do a test run (if you’re printing in house) – We always recommend running a small batch (5-10 contacts) of labels or envelopes to address any spacing/line break issues. (If you see that pesky <BR> html tag in your address lines use the Printable View button in the report builder rather than Export Details.) This will help you avoid pulling an all-nighter the night before the cards go out.

Need help? That’s why we’re here! Contact us for information on holiday mailing support packages.