The Manton Foundation
created in New York in 1991
The Manton Foundation was created in New York in 1991 by Jim and Gretchen Manton as a vehicle for their charitable giving. Today the foundation is managed by the Mantons`descendants and functions as a family endeavor. Funded projects fall largely into a range of fields encompassing education, arts and culture, medical research, and community preservation.
Manton wanted an all-in-one system to track grantee & partner relationships inc. applications, agreements, payments & communication notes. On the other hand, Manton Foundation was separating from a financial services provider, where all of their grantmaking accounts were previously managed and stored.
The salesforce GMS system allowed them to have a single solution that staff and the Trustees could log into to report on historic giving as well as track current grant applications and awards.
Success Story
The Challenges
Getting data out of the financial services provider’s Blackbaud system was a challenge because they didn’t have a separate System for each foundation. Because the team knew this system so well, and because our team planned several data migration discussions to insure that we were able to get the data we needed and map it to the new system correctly, we were able to minimize the risk and successfully pull in their historic data.
The Solution
We were able to provide some custom field updates to pull in tax validation information on grantees that helps Manton in their review and award process.
In order to help simplify and streamline the experience for Trustees, we created a separate “Trustees” app where they can see the reports, Dashboard views and list views they need immediately upon logging in with customized page layouts that quickly serve up only the information they need.
Building out a portal where Grantees can view and manage their grant applications and upload reports, cut down the work that Manton Grant staff has had to do in the past and gives both Grantess & Grants staff a more complete picture of what applications and awards a Grantee has and any outstanding reports.
Manton’s grantmaking process usually starts with an LOI, but this is not an official form submitted by a potential grantee. Instead, it typically arises out of an email exchange with a potential grantee, and at a certain point the Manton staff person will decide to create an LOI record in Salesforce. We facilitated this by customizing the Outlook integration pane to include a New LOI action to enable staff to create a Funding Request record from their inbox. (This action is also available on the Organization record if they wish to create it within Salesforce).
The Benefits
With the help of Sputnik Moment, ACSM has been able to benefit from a number of custom solutions
The Manton Team can now manage all of their grantees and grant data on their own and on their own terms
They no longer have to collect data in ways that were specific to the financial service
They no longer have to collect data in ways that were specific to the financial service
The Manton team is currently working through their first grant cycle after launching the new GMS system. They are working with Sputnik to document any friction that Grantees or staff experience during the application and award process, so we can make any adjustments for the next round.